Sommar, sommar, sommar...

2011-06-15 @ 01:48:13

Smälter bort här i värmen. Äntligen har sommaren kommit hit till norra California. Ca 30-35 grader varje dag, och jag chillar vid poolen med ungarna. Har fortfarande inte köpt en ny usb-sladd till kameran, så inga bilder...

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summer, it turns me upside down

2011-06-13 @ 02:43:59

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2011-06-13 @ 02:19:08

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2011-06-11 @ 05:30:57

Idag tog min partner in crime, min kära lillasyster studenten!!!!!  Grattis, säger jag bara. Frihet!!! Ses i Washington D.C snart bruden:) Löv U <3

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Lördag 4e juni

2011-06-04 @ 20:26:00

Åtta månader i USA idag. Kan ni fatta det??? I ÅTTA MÅNADER har jag bott här... Är förvånad över att jag överlevt så här länge utan mammas matlagning, farmors laxpaj och mormors köttbullar. Pappas hjälp med att fixa saker, och en irriterande lillasyster att bråka med;)

Idag skulle jag varit ledig, men så fort jag vaknade och satte på mobilen så såg jag att nahepp,det var visst jobb på schemat. Dock inte förrens 3:30pm, så ska klä på mig och möte upp Julia för lite lunch på IKEA. Ska sedan dra en liten shoppingrunda i Emeryville, vill hitta en sladd till min kamera bland annat...
Annars finns det som vanligt inte mycket att rapportera. Det är monunregn här, så vill egentligen inte ens gå ut, men äta bör man, annars så blir man sur^^heheh
puss på er

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2011-06-01 @ 23:16:12

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You know you're an AuPair in the US when...

2011-06-01 @ 23:06:46 always introduce yourself with : 'Hi! my name is (your name), I'm from (country) and I have (amount of children you are taking care of) children!!' 

...everybody is greeting you with a 'Hi.How are you!' and you can't respond fast enough, so you say it first! 

...the worst thing is, when the mom/dad is working from home know what a S'MORE is. (
For you who doesn't know: Its marshmallow, chocolate and a cracker together like a sandwich) spent all your money at the MALL and you still have nothing to wear say silly instead of stupid organize and have PLAYDATES've seen more movies in one month than in your whole life at home drive over 30 minutes to a friend and you think it's not far only have other Au Pairs as your friends can make bacon say 'like' and 'totally' every third words 

...someone has asked you stupid questions like: 'do you have cars in your country?' - 'You don't have Valentine's day?' - 'Where is your country? don't think it's wrong to have cake AND ice cream. park as close to the store as possible so you don't have to walk even one yard too far cherish moments of silence more than ever before

you notice yourself saying 'GOOD JOB' a hundred times a day wonder why you slept the whole night long so uncomfortable and you notice the next morning, you slept on a barbie, a lollipop etc. 

... you need to be creative to find new punishments because a time-out doesn't work anymore're sure you don't want to have kids within the next 100 years know now exactly how difficult it was for your parents to have little kids and you feel like saying thanks for all you've done to your mum and dad every day're ready to drink anytime of the day start to love disney movies again and can copy every passage of them've learned what it means to be patient know what an LCC is know that you should never SHAKE A BABY!!! take a nap, after you dropped of the kids at school are DRIVING to the busstop to pick up your kids, which is only 200 meters from your house. 

...the kids call you mum cause you spend too much time with them 

..... you think $200 every weekend just for shopping and coffee are not that much

... one cup of coffee doesn`t make you awake anymore, it just makes you alive. use hand sanitizer instead of washing your hands

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La vie n'est pas misérable, mais c'est n'est pas heureux.

2011-06-01 @ 21:45:07

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måndag fast tisdag

2011-06-01 @ 04:53:35

Idag har varit en ytterst produktiv dag. Jag vaknade. Gick upp och pratade med Hailey. Åt frukost. Chillade med Wally. Skypade med familjen. Diskuterade min sista månad. Diskuterade skolor i Paris. Kollade alla mina favoriter på datorn. Skypade med Adam. Tvättade lakan. Packade en väska. Låstasshoppade. Funderar på att göra om det till riktig shopping. Åkte till poolen. Åkte hem. Åt mat med familjen. Pratade. Skrattade. Gick ner till mig. Mjukiskläder. Sängläge...

Over and out...

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